for immediate release

Wine Not: New Grape Resolutions

Wine Not: New Grape Resolutions

Monterey, CA – January 1, 2015 –As we awaken from our winter hibernation, as we attempt to make good our resolutions, as we embrace new beginnings and start planning our social outings, it's time to think about innovative, exciting wines.

Go ahead, open the windows, let in the fresh air; while you're at it, Wine Not open your mind to grapes that are must-try wines for 2015. [more...]

About Appellation Ventures

Appellation Ventures is a California LLCcomprised of leaders in the California Wine Industry and seasoned business executives and investors. Appellation Ventures strives to find small wineries with solid reputations for quality and then provides the capital and resources to enable significant growth.


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Steve Manley, President/CEO
Appellation Ventures, LLC.

P.O. Box 731
Rocklin, CA95677


Copyright© 2014-2024 Appellation Ventures, LLC.
