for immediate release

Gold Medal for 2015 Esser®Chardonnay

Monterey, CA – March 29, 2017 –In the most recent Tastings competition by the Beverage Testing Institute, Esser®2015 Chardonnay was celebrated as having Exceptional quality and uncommon value. The wine received a Gold award and a 93 rating and a Best Buy recommendation at suggested retail of $14.99/bottle.

The review reads: Light yellow straw color. Toasty aromas of lemon poppyseed muffin and almond meal with a crisp, dry-yet-fruity medium body and an intriguing, long white peach, orgeat, and tangerine finish with light oak. A thoughtfully constructed peachy Chardonnay.

This award ranks 2015 Esser®Chardonnay in the top 3 in the USA. See the award at Beverage Testing Institute.

About Appellation Ventures

Appellation Ventures is a California LLCcomprised of leaders in the California Wine Industry and seasoned business executives and investors. Appellation Ventures strives to find small wineries with solid reputations for quality and then provides the capital and resources to enable significant growth.


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Steve Manley, President/CEO
Appellation Ventures, LLC.

P.O. Box 731
Rocklin, CA95677


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